The “old” earth in the 3rd dimension

Home > En > Michael > 2.4. The “old” earth in the 3rd dimension
Julien Moorrees
The new earth in the 5th dimension exists along the old earth in the 3rd dimension. Everyone that's ready has already made the transition to the new earth "in its mind".

Because the  three-dimensional old earthrasters become weaker, many experience a tumultuous time in their lives. While you detach from the old, you will see the new energies. To let in the new energies you will have to let go the old energies.

People will go on with the transition to another reality while it seems they're still in the same place. The perceptible reality and frequency of the 2 earths are very different. The new earth is a place of love and peace. The old earth will dissolve and break down further. Whoever chooses to stay in this reality will experience stress and fear.